Skanska is at it again. Not content with taking out a number of important trees at Cotham School, the day before Good Friday when no enforcement action could be taken, Skanska now expects to do the same again in Cheltenham Road.

Skanska appear determined to chainsaw an important local tree as part of its planning application for new buildings at Colston’s School.
Please let us know if you can help to save this important tree which is to be removed without any meaningful consultation.
See for an Evening Post article outlining Skanska’s approach.
The tree is an important street tree outside the Colston’s school site and is part of the Cheltenham Road avenue of plane trees. During the consultation process Skanska stated categorically, “plane tree on pavement to be retained”. However, by the time the application was submitted Skanska submitted misleading documents which show images with the tree retained and casting dappled shade on the new building. Yet the small print states that the tree is to be removed. Then on 3rd September a flurry of new documents appeared on the planning web site confirming finally, that the tree would go and offering the small guesture of a replacement planting.
We need your help:
If you objected in writing to the planning proposal you can speak at the Planning Committee meeting on 30th September.
We can offer information as to how to contribute to this debate.
Any other activities and press work to highlight the fate of the tree contact us: Quercus (at) BristolStreetTrees (dot) org
Background notes:
The application Colston Girls School Cheltenham Road Bristol BS6 5RD was published on the Bristol City Council Web site on 22 May. Google Application 09/01456/FB or use the web link below
A flurry of new documents were posted on the web site on 3rd September, many weeks after the planning application was put in. Such an approach prevents any comment on the new documents as the comment period has expired.
Of particular interested is the arboricultural report, last on the list of associated documents
The tree is listed in the arboricultural report as grade A2, which means that it is an important tree with an expected lifespan of more than 40 years which will make a substantial contribution in the future and should be retained. (According to BS 5837 Trees in relation to Construction)
The importance of the tree was raised by the Bristol Urban Design Forum (letter 10th December 2008 p21 in the “Statement of Community Involvement) which stated that, “we were delighted to hear that every effort will be made to keep the tree”.
The importance of the tree was also highlighted in at least three successive meetings with the Montpelier Conservation Group (also in the “Statement of Community Involvement).
Excerpts of Skanska’s own planning document are included as a PDF (Colstons.pdf). The tree in question is highlighted with red circles which we have added. Only by reading the small print would one have any inclination that the tree was to be removed.
More information on the Cotham Trees is available on the blog site of local councilor Neil Harrison and the Bristol Evening Post
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